
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. If LLM Is the Wizard, Then Code Is the Wand: A Survey on How Code Empowers Large Language Models to Serve as Intelligent Agents
    Ke Yang, Jiateng Liu, John Wu, and 9 more authors


  1. BioNetGMMFit: estimating parameters of a BioNetGen model from time-stamped snapshots of single cells
    John Wu, William C. L. Stewart, Ciriyam Jayaprakash, and 1 more author
    npj Systems Biology and Applications, Sep 2023
  2. AAAI
    A Reflection on AI Model Selection for Digital Agriculture Image Datasets
    Seth Ockerman, John Wu, Christopher Stewart, and 1 more author
    In 2nd AAAI Workshop on AI for Agriculture and Food Systems , Sep 2023


  1. Generalized Method of Moments improves parameter estimation in biochemical signaling models of time-stamped single-cell snapshot data
    Wu John, William CL Stewart, Jayaprakash Ciriyam, and 1 more author
    bioRxiv, Sep 2022
  2. A Case for Dataset Specific Profiling
    Seth Ockerman, John Wu, and Christopher Stewart
    Sep 2022